Книгу можно купить в магазинах: «Ad Marginem», «Москва», «Гилея», «19-ое октября» Book synopsis: The recent disintegration of the former Soviet empire has not only spurred a re-drawing of its geographical borders. It has also destabilized the formerly rigid border lines between criticism and artistic production, high and popular culture, ideology, and the everyday, and the political and the corporeal. Contextualizing Transition offers the English reader an analysis of these cultural dynamics as seen through the eyes of such influential Russian writers and critics as Victor Erofeev, Tatiana Tolstaia, Vladimir Sorokin, and Viacheslav Kuritsyn. Their commentaries both map the contextual frame that defines their creative impulse, and foreground the uneasy dynamic of this fascinating period in Russian culture. |
Contextualizing Transition: Interviews with Contemporary Russian Writers and Critics, (Соmр., introd, and critical essay Serafima Roll). New York: Peter Lang. 1998.
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