- Наши авторы в переводах:
- Дмитрий Горчев
- Dmitry Gorchev
- Translated by Adam Weiner and Alex Demyanov
Cellular Robot
Перевод на английский Адама Вейнера и Александра Демьянова.
Адам Вейнер - профессор русского языка и сравнительной литературы в Wellesley College (Wellesley, MA). В 1997 в издательстве Northwestern University Press вышла его книга The Demonic Novel in Russia. С 1999 г. он сотрудничает с переводчиком Александром Демьяновым, эмигрантом из России. В настоящее время они работают над переводами романа Филипа Рота Operation Shylock, "Мелкого беса" Федора Сологуба и рассказов Кати Капович.
Adam Weiner is a professor of Russian and Comparative Literature at Wellesley College (Wellesley, MA) and the author of The Demonic Novel in Russia (Northwestern University Press, 1997). Since 1999 he has been collaborating with Alex Demyanov, a Russian emigre and professional translator. Their current projects include translations of Philip Roth's Operation Shylock, Fyodor Sologub's Petty Demon ("Мелкий бес"), short stories by Katya Kapovich.
A Muscovite walking along the street with the cell phone issued to him at birth and destined to be laid posthumously in his coffin is sure to say into his phone: "I am walking".
If he sits down on a bench he will surely say: "I just sat down on a bench".
Then he will say: "I am getting up and walking again".
It is clear, of course, that no living or dead human being could stand to listen to such communications; consequently, on the other end of the line there sits The Ever-Curious Robot. For example, a communication like "I am walking", gets this Robot terribly worked up and it shouts: "No shit!!! Unbe-fuckin-lievable! And just where are you going? And where from? When are you gonna arrive? Huh? Huh? I’ll be fucked!"The peculiarity of this Robot is that it really wants to know. Because this is its one and only Purpose. If it suddenly loses interest they’ll just turn it off and then – end of fuckin story.
© Дмитрий Горчев, 2003.
© Adam Weiner, Alex Demyanov, перевод, 2003.
© Сетевая Словесность, 2003.
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