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Виктор Смольный

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30.09.03 18:48:35 msk
Бер Бурыдол

"Вспомним о Пушкине" : эта всеобъемлющая деструктивность особенно ярка в рассказе с таким заглавием. Пушкин, этот животворящий жизнетворец, согласно авторской логике, вызызваем к жизни может быть лишь некими вивисекционными действиями. Вспоминаются, в первую очередь, фроммовские садисты, страдающие от недостатка любви и потому пытающиеся достичь хоть какого-то выражения жизни от подопытного объекта своих чувственных усилий. Отсюда и зацикленность эта на Пушкине: утопшие в современности авторы не чуют пушкинской любви, а сами готовы любить и быть любимыми в огромных количествах. Но Пушкин: вот те на! не хочет....
Меж тем рассказ, состоящий из пронумерованных абзацев, интересен прежде всего с точки зрения формальной лёгкости (не удобоваримости, а именно лёгкости, чуть ли не пушкинской:).

09.08.03 11:53:56 msk
Olga ([email protected])

Chego zhe takoi maternii chat-room na russianinternet, ili administratorua tolko babki volnuut?
Ia ne hanzha, prosto net ni odnogo chata prilichnogo v russkoi community.
A ne zadavalis voprosom pochemu?
A vi v chat so svoei filigrannoi slovestnostiu v kakoi-nibud chat zahodite?
Esli-da, togda podelites informasiei

12.07.03 20:58:10 msk
eli (arrow2love)

ya o4enb dovolen vasheme pereda4eme
e 4to ve rabotaete v drygoy radio
stanzee ,ya dymal 4tyo poter vas,
ok ladno poka bye

23.05.03 07:47:21 msk
Ask ([email protected])

"Smol'iy na provode" - strashno uslyshat' rechi takoy povorot!
Tol'ko vidat' leningradskogo parnya
Dazhe petlya ne beryot!

Leningradskiy komsomolets
Vzglyad ego vsegda luchist,
"Novoy Zhizni" mirotvorets,
Neuyomniy patsifist!

15.04.03 04:29:48 msk
nora ([email protected])

Please: I need contacts with *Smol*surnames I need family roots, Sincerely,Nora.I speak spanish.

My father-in-law, LORENZO ISMAEL, entered Argentina in 1910, as to so many others they changed the last name to him, given his difficulty to speak the language. We have received a certificate that says: Certificate of arrival to America - Lewnty SMOL-nationality Russian-originating of Hamburg-it arrived at Bs.As. the 28 from November from 1910-in the ship year-unmarried Captain Ortegal-age 18 - LDB-ARB-religio\'n:varios-Nacido profession in Posbolotiz. All these data were corroborated by email, from Hamburg, with some ingredients more: ship, the same one, left the 5 of November of 1910 there, in trip to Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Buenos Aires. SMOL, Lewrenties, 18 year-unmarried-worker agricultural-puts of emigraciуn:Buenos Airs. It mentions like birthplace: * POLAND * Province of Grodno-Departamento: Brest - litovsky - Place: Llirovisky-Oficina:Volostoy Datos:Lawrenty Smol son of Filemуn or Salomon Smol and Anna Parjos, born in Kamenetz-zone of Brest-province of Grodno, the 10 of August of 1893. It said sometimes, to have a brother of Antonio name, nicknamed Tone, and sister * CRISPINA or ANNA CRISPINA * .

08.12.02 04:18:31 msk
Eli ([email protected])

ya eskal sevy ne mog nayte,koro4e
estb prosbba ecle mogno,B petnezy
pereda4y na4yatb ranbshe,potomy 4to
te lyde kotoree rabotaut y evreev
oni yxodyat domoy ranbshe 4em drygee,napremer ya yxogy domouy v 2:00pm ,e radeo ya slushau tolko kogda ya edy 3a rylem,doma ya nemogy poymatb bashy staHzeu,poprobyute.Bbi
yBedete 4to praB, obe4nee dne normalno,bye from eli

09.11.02 16:13:06 msk
DD ([email protected])

Zhora, uzhe ne nado nominirovat',
Ya eto sdelal sam.
Ukazal, chto eto iz Slovesnosti
pri nominacii.
T.e. vash sajt kak izdatelya.
Vse v poryadke

09.11.02 04:29:36 msk
DD ([email protected])

Snova Zherdevu.
Zhora, ya tol'ko chto izmeril TARARAKu.
Ona tozhe podhodit po razmeru.
Vsego 45 kilobajt.
Tak chto i pro etazhi i pro Tararaku
mozhno stavit' na RA.
A kuda ty delsya?

09.11.02 04:18:17 msk
DD ([email protected])

Zhora, ya tebe napisal po povodu
Vitinyh novyh tekstov.
Nu i?....

25.10.02 19:19:59 msk
paul korry

Не, старые рассказы получше. Новые - совсем уж явная пелевинщина, а "жизнь на разных этажах", к тому же явная аллюзия на "дом в 1000 этажей" Яна Вайсса.

14.10.02 06:40:20 msk
Boris ([email protected])

Seva and Victor
I think your radio show is one of the best things that happened in our newly - developed Russian speaking society in US.
Being as young as I am, I enjoy listening to you guys every chance that I get. Keep it up!

20.08.02 00:48:13 msk
Former listener

The radio station broadcasts commercials 99% of its time. Does anybody except for non English speaking senior citizens and idiots listen to it anymore?

13.08.02 23:09:24 msk

Hi everybody!!! You've got a chance to listen Russian radio and you are still complaining??? You must be thankful that these peole offer it for you for FREE.
Of course, when you pay, you think it's good. One think: Look at all Russian guides(Nadezhda, nash golos, avrora, RTN, novii vek), isn't that strange??? they know their program's arrangement 1-2 weeks before... Come oooooon. It smells communism :-)))) Wake up, you r in the USA, not Krasnodarsky kray, radio Mayak or whatever... it really stinks... Don't be so thankless and unhappy. Just listen it, but if you don't like or don't understand it, switch to Howard Stern, you will "understand" it, I am SURE :-)))
I am happy for you...
Sorry for my notes, but you deserve it.. bye-byeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~

19.06.02 23:35:15 msk


this is not a radio program.

Hey, Victor
Nothing personal.
Go to school, learn something !


28.07.01 17:46:28 msk
sue ([email protected])

Hi,dear Victor Smolny. My name is Sue.I have no other
choice but to listen to Your program every night
while I am driving home.Sorry,I don't have a russian
keyboard to write to You in Russian.But I am sure You
are smart enough to understand English. If you want to
know Your failures,here they are:
1.You don't listen to
Your partner-You listen only to Yourself.If You know
why the famous Larry King is so famous,it is because
he listens to his guests,treats them with respect and
lets them be the hosts of the night.
2.You always impose
Your opinion on others.This is a big mistake .As a
person of your profession You have to be neutral and
just lead people to the right conversation,but keep
your opinion to yourself.
3.You talk too much not letting
people speak.For example the priceless Vasiliy
Gorchakov from Russia doesn't need you while he is
talking,because you take so much presious time from
him and from other people.Another example would be
Raisa Kaminskaya.They probably prepare so hard and you
destroy their talk show. 4.The only person who can
really put you on the spot is Alexander Grant.You
never interrupt him because he had let you know from
the start :" don't mess with me "
5.Your f-----g
commercials remind me of russian paper "russkaya
reklama".I would compare Your talk show to that paper:
few doubtfull "serious" news and the rest is chip
scrap of commercials(Who cares anyway?As long as money
are flowing in my pocket) Wright?You have to get the
bull by the horns while people are still listening to
You and change the talk show in the better direction.

6.Forgive me for being so rude,but I am only trying to
If Seva Kaplan ever reads this letter,please,
let him know that he used to be much better then
now.Especially after his "partner" Anechka Pickerman
came to the show .She must be very beautiful if he
keeps her there as a cohost .Why? because I don't see
anything else she would strike me with as a
listener(no deep brains or logical thinking).Kak u nas
govoriat -odin detskiy sad. And,finally,the only
person who has a big potential is NATASHA
BOGDANOVA-smart,sharp, quick thinking,well
rounded,well read,well educated.I think there is so
much of potential hiding behind weather and traffik
reports that it is so obvious she belongs as a cohost
of seva Kaplan and Anechka is good only in sayig that"
sponsor of weather and traffik is Globe institute of
technology" I thing I am done. If You are not afraid
of criticism,please respond to me [email protected]
v ostalnom, prekrasnaya markisa,vse khorosho,vse
khorosho. Chao,aloha, sue.

04.07.01 21:10:24 msk
Paul Korry

Все very good, и стихи и проза :-)

20.06.01 23:52:15 msk

очень понравилось,спасибо

03.11.2003 Сегодня в РЖ Гендерная слепота историков   "Cможет ли женщина пробежать дистанцию без чадры?"   Битва за Тузлу: потери Украины   Битва за Тузлу: потери России   Все мы жители того самого дома   Политическая анатомия переходного периода   Звук удаляющихся шагов   Невод и т.д. Выпуск 156   Интервью с Карлом Марксом   Лайкос.ру. Точка   Западные СМИ корректируют свое восприятие России   На фоне Пушкина снимается ток-шоу   Шведская лавка 129   Ответственность как предмет торга? Не верю   Скорбь и меланхолия в их политическом измерении   Москва недооценила Левайна   Разная музыка. Концерты 3 - 10 ноября   Голод 88   Благо управляемой демократии   Поле битвы - Русский Журнал  
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